
Discord bot to scan & neutralize malicious links

View the Project on GitHub interlock-network/bouncer

Bouncer hand logo

Bouncer FAQ

What is Bouncer? How does it work?

Bouncer is an open-source Discord bot that scans your server for malicious links and neutralizes them. It does this by querying our database of known-malicious sites. If the site is new, we use our proprietary visual AI to identify 0-day phishing sites. Setup takes just a minute or two and it begins protecting your server instantly.

How can I get Bouncer for my Discord server?

Invite Bouncer to your server like any other bot (along with its recommended permissions) and your public channels will instantly be protected!

What are my next steps after inviting Bouncer?

  1. Create a private channel called #bouncer-log and invite Bouncer to it.
  2. Add Bouncer as a friend to receive DMs, like links to the web editor.
  3. Assign a role to Bouncer (if users need a role to participate in public channels)
  4. Use /add_to_allowlist to add your URLs to Bouncer’s allowlist

Who makes Bouncer?

Bouncer is a project of Interlock, a web3 company that is decentralizing security.

Is Bouncer in beta?

Yes! We are gradually adding new features and fixing bugs. If you spot a bug, email us at or create a bug ticket in our GitHub repo.

How much does Bouncer cost?

While in testing, Bouncer is free to use in exchange for an occasional Interlock partnership post. In the future, Bouncer will be powered by $ILOCK, Interlock’s token launching in 2023.

Where can I see the source code?

The Bouncer repo is at The pipeline that scans URLs is proprietary, because if hackers could read the code, they could figure out new ways to circumvent it.

Do I have to install any software to get Bouncer running?

Nope! Bouncer clients are run on Interlock’s DigitalOcean droplet.

I’ve installed Bouncer! How can I make sure it’s working as expected?

Post the following known-unsafe link in a channel Bouncer is monitoring:

Your message should immediately be deleted and Bouncer should post the following:

Watch it! This message may have dangerous links. NAME:

Here’s a screenshot of the expected behavior:

Bouncer reacting to a malicious link

Where can I see Bouncer’s actions?

Bouncer logs its activity to the channel “#bouncer-log”. There you can see when:

Bouncer log message after deleting a malicious link

What’s an allowlist? How can I add to my server’s allowlist?

The allowlist is a set of URLs that are marked as safe by a server. In order to add an element to the allowlist invoke the following command:


where and represent URLs that you wish to add to the allowlist. Allowlists are not shared between servers.

How can I remove URLs from the allowlist?

Use the slash command /remove_from_allowlist to remove just from the allowlist.

How can I show all the URLs on the allowlist?

Use the slash command /show_allowlist to list all the URLs on the allowlist.

To block all URLs in a channel, do this:


To cancel this action and allow URLs again in a channel, do this:


Can you show me a flowchart of how Bouncer works?

I’m glad you asked. The flowchart below will give you an idea of how Bouncer works.

Flowchart of how Bouncer works